Dear 宥?:Thank you for purchasing my book and <a href="">shriang</a> my book with your friends whom you think are ready.English is the easiest language.  All you need is to practice more and put yourself in an English environment.  This is one of the purposes of this blog.   We need to learn English so we can get the info from the source and not to be screened or interpreted by some gatekeeper.  You will feel empowered by engaging with the world's best minds.  Taiwan is really behind on advanced thinking, intellectual contents and diversity.  We shall meet again,Ping

No, it never occurred to me to get fiettd for my bike. I just went to the store, and chose the prettiest bike there!Yesterday I wore a cute skirt, while biking. My bike is fine otherwise, it's only when I ride long distances my butt starts to hurt.So I'll just avoid those! I'm more of a runner anyway. [url=]swdowerzgl[/url] [link=]bfjabjhyyua[/link]
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